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Product Stability for TestDiet® products

How Storage Conditions, Product Stability, and the Manufacturer’s Warranty Work to Determine your TestDiet® Shelf Life

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TestDiet® FSSC Certificate

TestDiet® laboratory animal feed products are formulated with precision and manufactured at our Food Safety System Certified 22000 (FSSC 22000) facility in Richmond, Indiana. The current issue of the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and USDA facility inspectors suggest using products within a 6 month from the date of manufacture. The below excerpt from THE GUIDE references manufacturer’s recommendations should be considered:
  • Most natural-ingredient, dry laboratory animal diets stored properly can be used up to 6 months after manufacture. Refrigeration preserves nutritional quality and lengthens shelf life, but food storage time should be reduced to the lowest practical period and the manufacturers’ recommendations considered. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. p66.
The manufacturer’s warranty on nutrient stability as well as storage conditions for TestDiet® custom products vary depending on the exact formulation; many contain high levels of dietary fat, sensitive compounds, and purified, unstable forms of vitamins. Consequently, the guarantee for nutrient stability of custom diets is generally 6 months from the date of manufacture, and any extension of your diet usage by controlled storage varies depending on the type of diet. Custom diets should be stored under conditions of 39°F/4°C or lower and ≤ 50% relative humidity. If these storage conditions are not available at your facility, please consult with a LabDiet® nutritionist for further assistance. The recommended shelf life based on proven product stability for our TestDiet® items is provided in the PDF in a quick-reference table followed by a detailed description of each category of our products.